
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How To Make A Bika Ambon

How To Make A Bika Ambon

Materials Needed In Bika Ambon Recipes:

·        15 grams of instant yeast
·        20 grams of sugar
·        15 gr wheat flour
·        75 ml of water
·        200 gr sago flour
·        300 gr sugar
·        8 egg yolks
·        ½ ½ tsp vanilli ½½ teaspoon lime   peel, grated  15 leaves of lime leaves
·        350 ml thick coconut milk
·        ½½ teaspoon salt ½½ tsp yellow dye   cooking oil to polish the mold

Steps of Making Bika Ambon: 

1. The first step you should do when you want to try recipe bika ambon, mix all ingredients and let stand for 25 minutes.

2. Boil coconut milk, salt and lime leaves to boil while stirring so that the coconut milk is not broken, remove. Remove the leaves of kaffir lime and mixed with sago flour, mix well.

3. The egg yolk you have prepared is shaken with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add sago flour, grated orange, estrak vanilli and yellow dye. Stir well. Allow the dough for 2-3 hours.

4. Pour the dough you have made into a molding tool that has been applied with oil.

5. Roast the dough in the oven using the bottom flame, making sure the oven door is open during the oven process .

6. Turn off the bottom oven, then turn on the top of the oven and bake until completely cooked and has a brownish yellow color.

7. After the cold remove the cake from the mold, serve



Simple future tense adalah Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi di masa depan, secara spontan atau terencana.

        Simple Future Tense
(+) s+will+v1+o
(-) s+will+not+v1+o
(?) will+s+v1+o

(+) She will finish the work next week
(-) She will not finish the work next week
(?) Will she finish the work next week ?
Simple Future Tense

(+) The work will be finished by her next week
(-) The work will be not finished by her next week
(?) Will the work finished by her next week ?

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